Friday, September 19, 2008


I use the term THEY throughout this blog. It is the only way to accurately indicate the person or persons who is behind activities.

To clarify, if I said that SONYA PURSEL was doing it, her lawyers would indicate that she was not capable of doing the action. Remarkably presenting the flawed logic that since she was incapable of doing something she was additionally incapable of hiring a company or agency to do it for her.

I am not afraid to name the individuals. THEY know who THEY are. Why shouldn't everyone get to know the cowards that are hiding behind the fraud and complete absence of explanation.
So permit me to introduce THEM to you. THEY include the following:

SONYA PURSEL (aka Sonya Healy). Currently in the process of divorce. Sonya took the advice of her lawyer and had someone purchase surveillance software which she placed on the home computers and additionally on my business computer. the surveillance program additionally gave full remote control capabilities in addition to the full surveillance of all computer activity.
MOTIVATION: find something she can use against me in divorce/custody.
FAILURE: The software began destroying my business immediately and costing a considerable amount of time. Sonya failed to recognize the impact on my clients and myself. So even when I was able to firewall the program and slow/stop it, Sonya was receiving technical support and emails from Awareness Technologies instructing her in how to re-install or re-implement the program.

EDWARD WEIDEMAN. I believe Sonya contracted with Ed to play private investigator. Ed is a former Montgomery Township police officer working for a security company. Ed pretended to be my friend until August 8, 2007 when he revealed his involvement to local police by making a report about something on my computer. Ed never returned my call from that day. And his wife indicated knowledge that Sonya was planning the divorce at about the time the software was installed.
MOTIVATION: Ed always was a complete ass. He'd do an investigative favor for Sonya. I wouldn't really expect him to try to stay neutral. The major sell at being neutral that Ed's wife, Meg, did for me at the McCarthy's graduation party was in hindsight over the top. Perhaps because she knew that I already was on to the presence of the surveillance program and the software company.
FAILURE: Did I say he was an ass? His connection to the police department would be enough for them to cover for him. They did it repeatedly over the course of the last 2 years. They acted improperly based on information HE provided to them. He was so stupid as to reveal his involvement directly to police. Perhaps in their shock at his excessive stupidity, the police responded badly and took action against me.

VALERIE ANGST (ANGST & ANGST) Valerie's actions are legendary. Described as a barracuda of a lawyer. There is nothing left when a barracuda finishes with it's prey. Accurate beyond beleif. I made a statement to Sonya in the first days after discovering she hid money from our accounts. Sonya had cancelled our credit cards (including the debit cards) indicating that her lawyer told her she had to do it because I could run up a huge debt. Looking at it as just another headache at the time, I said it was stupid because it just made work for both of us, locked up our money and that her lawyer didn't know me.

Well Valerie Angst also didn't know that I was probably the most likely to figure out if I was under electronic surveillance, especially PC based. It took a few short minutes to identify AWARENESS TECHNOLOGIES WEBWATCHER as the virus that had infected my network for months once the idea of surveillance software entered my mind. 20+ years of IT experience - web development, network wiring, network programming, maintenance and repair activities at Internet co-locates, pc programming, telephone programming, cell phone programming. Nothing like taking everything you ever learned and discovering someone has tried to use it against you. It's hard to use the 'He's Crazy' defense when my information is corroborated and solid. So you resort to chaotic litigation and unsubstantiated non-sequiturs in your paperwork. You may fool that judges and clerks with your LIES. But I know what you are. I know I am not the first. I know you have used it before. I know your friends are using your program too!

Valerie Angst didn't know that I would never resort to violence against anyone even when faced with the destruction of my family Valerie Angst did not know my history. I've learned her history. I've noticed similarities in her legal actions to those of her peers. Only thing is that they have been more successful at destroying the opposition. Because their opposition didn't know what I know ab0out the technology being used against them.

Valerie Angst is out to protect herself at this point. She can't remain hidden behind her law desk when she has been active in the actions. Perhaps, this is why Valerie Angst disappeared after being directly accused of involvement in December 2007. Replaced by her husband Robert Angst, Valerie has not been seen with her client in court since December 2007.

Surveillance Shell Game

When you are under surveillance people will accuse you of being paranoid. It is a mechanism used to dismiss you. It doesn't explain anything. It simply allows people to ignore you and feel comfortable about themselves doing so.

When you catch someone doing high tech illegal surveillance, there is likely only one thing they can do to cover their tracks properly. Once they realize they are caught, they need to redirect the focus to another place. Best thing to do is get someone else to pick up the surveillance, like the DEA or FBI. They can do so by making a false report. Now you have a govt agency performing illegal surveillance thus covering up your previous tracks.

As an added bonus, they do not tell the govt that you are on to them and noticed the surveillance. This will make the govt very suspicious because why do you think you are being watched. So the govt will become more interested in why you are doing things to reveal the surveillance - even if it is calling the FBI to help.

As each agency finds nothing the original group then jumps back into surveillance mode. You might find a few days where YOU aren't feeling paranoid. But that doesn't deter them from realizing how much info/evidence you have and then making another false report. So suddenly your data is once again streaming out unstoppable. Once again to an IP address located in a building located in a building which shares a parking lot with a federal building.

And the funny thing is that you have so much information about what is happening to you and your computers and your data because of the surveillance that each agency is becoming more and more directly involved in the crime against you. And they don't do anything - because you are calling THEM to tell THEM what you have noticed being done to you. THEY ARE DOING IT AND THEY ARE NOT HAPPY AT BEING DETECTED. Get this, they have the perception that you are calling them to rub it in their faces that you know what they are doing. When you have no reason to suspect they are doing it, there is no reason for them to be doing it.

So you get thrown out of an FBI office after reporting someone acting as a federal agent. something they indicated they WOULD seek to investigate. But you didn't realize that another govt agent was pretending to be FBI as they pretended to investigate the crime but were actually investigating YOU.

The shell game continues though, because now the FBI is mad and embarassed at their activity. Time to pass the surveillance to someone else. So now you are contacted by County Detectives who are interested. (Interested in wasting your time. The month of February 2008 is wasted - while a detective watches your life further destroyed and does nothing.

In March the game plays out again with another county detective. But wait your house is robbed and vandalized. There's a great distraction. So this detective choose to ONLY look at that - forget the previous year of terrorism. And then the detective tells you that the DA is not choosing to prosecute. A robbery in broad daylight with local police allowing it to continue after eing called. The process wastes even more weeks. And another detective chooses to do nothing on anything. Yes, his bad decision on the single aspect of a former township cop participating in a robbery at your home has granted immunity to not only everyone else involved in the robbery, but has dismissed the preceding 15 months of terrorism and torture.

Time to change the surveillance. The software company is recognizing that their involvement could cost them considerably. And they have the technology to make it happen, and they are also getting the biggest leap in their development process just watching your methods of investigating ways to secure evidence and get around them knowing whats coming in future court documents.

Their terroristic actions continue... I use the term THEY and THEM because I am not dealing with an individual. One person would never have been able to do this. It has taken a team. Carefully drafting members by getting them to do a small professional favor. But then once that is done, they are obligated to continue making decisions which go along with the team, otherwise they risk exposing everyone - and they are now a full part of it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sara Goren, completely unprofessional

If you are in Montgomery County Pennsylvania and attempting to resolve custody issues you may be faced with the distorted perspective of Sara Goren.  

Remember as you read this that there has never been any explanation as to why I should not have shared custody of my son.  I have been accused of nothing and I have no criminal record.  I have done nothing to ever cause harm or detriment to my children.  There has been no agressive actions on my part of any kind that they could use against me.   (They make it up anyway! Unbelievable, eh?)  But that doesn't matter so much because of the following:





Sara Goren doesn't believe in Parental Alienation Syndrome.   She is additionally completely ignorant to all of the symptoms even when clearly demonstrated.

Fact:  Sara Goren recommended an Agreement in October 2007 which firmly placed ALL responsibility for custody on a 16 year old boy.  

Even when informed that my son's mother had informed my son of her illegal actions and as such the boys were afraid to speak to their father for fear of revealing their mother's criminal actions against his father.  (Criminal actions which have destroyed him financially, affected his clients, closed his business and prevented him from finding work... all the while seeking outrageous child support, preventing visitaion and filing ridiculous petitions with the court.)

Even when informed that his mother had used him to help commit breaking and entering and burglary of his father's home, Sara Goren saw no problem.

Sara Goren continued a mediation session because of a family funeral in March 2008.  I had waited since December 2007 for this scheduled date.  My son's mother had robbed and ransacked my house 2 days prior.  My son's mother had additionally stolen my files regarding custody and child support.   While acceptable that a family matter came up unexpectedly, I was not contacted about the continuance until  I called to indicate I was running about 5 minutes late for the meeting.  Opposing counsel LIED and indicated she had no method of contacting me.   (Perhaps a note on the fridge while vandalizing my house was inappropriate.)  

I requested that the session be rescheduled as quickly as possibly - EVEN IF IT MEANT GOING TO ANOTHER MEDIATOR.  I had had no contact with my son except for an hour or two  over the preceding 5 months.

SARA GOREN contacted my wife's attorney who indicated she would wait for Sara Goren's schedule to have an opening.  As such, I waited 2 more months for the meeting.   This was on MY petition to adjust custody because I had neither custody or visitation of any kind with my son - without explanation.

Virtual Machine - Problem #3 Certificates

The Certificates in Microsoft are a confusing item which requires you to trust one certificate to decide if you can trust another.  A complicated heirarchy which can be difficult to figure out.

There seems to be certificates which expire yet are still valid.

The certificates help the software decide how to make changes to your system for security and access to certain places.

So when your certificates are invalid or corrupted, you are totally out of luck.  there is no one to call to fix it.  I tried for weeks contacting Thawte because they seemed to have a connection to the certificate which was out of whack in my system.  No luck contacting by phone or email.  (A recurring theme.)

BUT WAIT, check out the resumes of the executives at Awareness Technologies, they apparently have some expertise in the area of certificates.  Who better to subvert your computer's security than the people who developed it.  What a strange coincidence, eh?

How do you fix your certificates when they are broken?  I have yet to find a solution.

Virtual Machine - Problem #2 Security Policies

The intrusion program is corrupting the Security Policies on my computers and opens up the permissions for the program to do whatever it likes.

Microsoft doesn't provide a tool for editing Security with many of their programs.

The Security in place can be done at a detail level so tiny  that even one missed setting leaves the computer open for an intrusion.  Knowledge of the Security Setting Capabilities is POWER.

And check out the resumes at Awareness Technologies for their executives.  Surprise, look at the Security Background of these gentlemen.   The person most capable of subverting your security is one who worked with its development.

Virtual Machine - Problem #1 PXe

Currently, I am attempting to get past the PXe boot program which is reinstalling their access to my computer.

The PXe program is executing before the computer gets to my hard disk to run any protection software.

The PXe program seems to be stored in the BIOS memory.

Reloaoding the BIOS is not effective as there is some sort of BIOS Memory Manager Program which is blocking any change or update to the BIOS.

If I reset the system by pulling batteries, erasing CMOS etc, the Memory Manager seems to pull the Windows Validation with it as it is deleted.  

So it is necessary to reinstall Windows, BUT you will not be able to run Windows without connecting to Microsoft to validate.  

When you try to connect to Microsoft, you will reinstall the surveillance program.

If you try to connect and get the validation code via phone support you will get the run-around of your life.   I was disconnected multiple times after holding for hours, being transferred around from one level to the next, and then being told that the database was down and there was no way to provide validation.  I should call back the next day.   (This happened several times - months apart.)

Imagine the frustration of spending entire days on the phone with support only to be told it was for nothing and you could start again the next day - only to get the same script on subsequent calls.  When the situation arose last week again, it became very clear that this was a defense method of the program and not just a random file loss on the pc.

It is necessary to get around the PXe, and there doesn't appear to be a way to get around one which has defense mechanisms which will only require you to connect to the web.

Trying to find a solution for this.

Email Intrusion

Do not believe that the person must have access to your computer in order to install the surveillance program.  This is absolutely not true as my laptop was hacked while I watched.  This intrusion metchod was later confirmed by an employee of Awareness Technologies named Jamie Kronic.  The software can be deployed via email.  

I had discussed many of my methods of detection/securing evidence with this employee.  We also discussed the level of devastation the intrusion was causing to my life.  She did the right thing and acted responsibly after I had been tormented for months.   (I found out months later that Jamie had been fired a few days after our conversation.  The price of responsible behavior.)

You do not have to open an email to get infected.  

As I watched Windows Mail download the mail to my computer from my remote server, the Windows Mail program crashed.  The program then prompted me to go to the Microsoft Site to check for an update.  This seemed reasonable.  As the computer was only 4-5 days old, I clicked the button which indicated it was going to check with Microsoft for an update.  After the update began taking longer than would be anticipated for checking for a fix, I had second thoughts.  I crashed my laptop, pulling the plug and battery.  On reboot, I went looking for the file that was being downloaded and discovered it was a file named WebWatcherInstall.exe.  

I had secured copies of that file and the related files that had set it up to install on boot.  I also realized that the technology being used against me was more than illegal, if this information were to be released it would affect everyone who did any tye of purchasing and banking on the web.

News of their program could seriously impact or destroy internet banking and commerce.  

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Second Story Window

My goal is provide a source of information for others who may find themselves in a similar situation as myself, either knowingly or unknowingly.  

Also, I want to point out the just outright nasty tactics being used in legal actions.  I am experiencing something which could only be referred to as EVIL.  There is no end to the levels of fraud, misrepresentation and illegal actions that these people won't use.

I've luckily seen each one coming and was often able to anticipate their attacks.  

The situation is overwhelming, and I am certain that others have experienced this in the past and may not have had the support and confidence needed to get them through.  It is my goal to make sure that the people who have terrorized me since January 2007 are prevented from ever doing anything of the kind to anyone else.  I want to make sure that people are aware of the tactics that have been used in attacks against me.  I do not like to think of it as tactics.  This isn;t a game.  It is my life.  They have boldly stolen nearly every aspect of my life.  What they haven;t stolen they have destroyed.  

From the Second Story Window you can tell who your friends are and smile and realize the remarkable qualities in people will get you through any situation.
