Friday, September 19, 2008

Surveillance Shell Game

When you are under surveillance people will accuse you of being paranoid. It is a mechanism used to dismiss you. It doesn't explain anything. It simply allows people to ignore you and feel comfortable about themselves doing so.

When you catch someone doing high tech illegal surveillance, there is likely only one thing they can do to cover their tracks properly. Once they realize they are caught, they need to redirect the focus to another place. Best thing to do is get someone else to pick up the surveillance, like the DEA or FBI. They can do so by making a false report. Now you have a govt agency performing illegal surveillance thus covering up your previous tracks.

As an added bonus, they do not tell the govt that you are on to them and noticed the surveillance. This will make the govt very suspicious because why do you think you are being watched. So the govt will become more interested in why you are doing things to reveal the surveillance - even if it is calling the FBI to help.

As each agency finds nothing the original group then jumps back into surveillance mode. You might find a few days where YOU aren't feeling paranoid. But that doesn't deter them from realizing how much info/evidence you have and then making another false report. So suddenly your data is once again streaming out unstoppable. Once again to an IP address located in a building located in a building which shares a parking lot with a federal building.

And the funny thing is that you have so much information about what is happening to you and your computers and your data because of the surveillance that each agency is becoming more and more directly involved in the crime against you. And they don't do anything - because you are calling THEM to tell THEM what you have noticed being done to you. THEY ARE DOING IT AND THEY ARE NOT HAPPY AT BEING DETECTED. Get this, they have the perception that you are calling them to rub it in their faces that you know what they are doing. When you have no reason to suspect they are doing it, there is no reason for them to be doing it.

So you get thrown out of an FBI office after reporting someone acting as a federal agent. something they indicated they WOULD seek to investigate. But you didn't realize that another govt agent was pretending to be FBI as they pretended to investigate the crime but were actually investigating YOU.

The shell game continues though, because now the FBI is mad and embarassed at their activity. Time to pass the surveillance to someone else. So now you are contacted by County Detectives who are interested. (Interested in wasting your time. The month of February 2008 is wasted - while a detective watches your life further destroyed and does nothing.

In March the game plays out again with another county detective. But wait your house is robbed and vandalized. There's a great distraction. So this detective choose to ONLY look at that - forget the previous year of terrorism. And then the detective tells you that the DA is not choosing to prosecute. A robbery in broad daylight with local police allowing it to continue after eing called. The process wastes even more weeks. And another detective chooses to do nothing on anything. Yes, his bad decision on the single aspect of a former township cop participating in a robbery at your home has granted immunity to not only everyone else involved in the robbery, but has dismissed the preceding 15 months of terrorism and torture.

Time to change the surveillance. The software company is recognizing that their involvement could cost them considerably. And they have the technology to make it happen, and they are also getting the biggest leap in their development process just watching your methods of investigating ways to secure evidence and get around them knowing whats coming in future court documents.

Their terroristic actions continue... I use the term THEY and THEM because I am not dealing with an individual. One person would never have been able to do this. It has taken a team. Carefully drafting members by getting them to do a small professional favor. But then once that is done, they are obligated to continue making decisions which go along with the team, otherwise they risk exposing everyone - and they are now a full part of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you read this stuff after you write it? This is the most "scatter brained" rant I've ever read! It makes no sense! There is this "grand conspiracy" involving everyone short of the white house. No wait......"they" are part of "them" to......Whack Job!