Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sara Goren, completely unprofessional

If you are in Montgomery County Pennsylvania and attempting to resolve custody issues you may be faced with the distorted perspective of Sara Goren.  

Remember as you read this that there has never been any explanation as to why I should not have shared custody of my son.  I have been accused of nothing and I have no criminal record.  I have done nothing to ever cause harm or detriment to my children.  There has been no agressive actions on my part of any kind that they could use against me.   (They make it up anyway! Unbelievable, eh?)  But that doesn't matter so much because of the following:





Sara Goren doesn't believe in Parental Alienation Syndrome.   She is additionally completely ignorant to all of the symptoms even when clearly demonstrated.

Fact:  Sara Goren recommended an Agreement in October 2007 which firmly placed ALL responsibility for custody on a 16 year old boy.  

Even when informed that my son's mother had informed my son of her illegal actions and as such the boys were afraid to speak to their father for fear of revealing their mother's criminal actions against his father.  (Criminal actions which have destroyed him financially, affected his clients, closed his business and prevented him from finding work... all the while seeking outrageous child support, preventing visitaion and filing ridiculous petitions with the court.)

Even when informed that his mother had used him to help commit breaking and entering and burglary of his father's home, Sara Goren saw no problem.

Sara Goren continued a mediation session because of a family funeral in March 2008.  I had waited since December 2007 for this scheduled date.  My son's mother had robbed and ransacked my house 2 days prior.  My son's mother had additionally stolen my files regarding custody and child support.   While acceptable that a family matter came up unexpectedly, I was not contacted about the continuance until  I called to indicate I was running about 5 minutes late for the meeting.  Opposing counsel LIED and indicated she had no method of contacting me.   (Perhaps a note on the fridge while vandalizing my house was inappropriate.)  

I requested that the session be rescheduled as quickly as possibly - EVEN IF IT MEANT GOING TO ANOTHER MEDIATOR.  I had had no contact with my son except for an hour or two  over the preceding 5 months.

SARA GOREN contacted my wife's attorney who indicated she would wait for Sara Goren's schedule to have an opening.  As such, I waited 2 more months for the meeting.   This was on MY petition to adjust custody because I had neither custody or visitation of any kind with my son - without explanation.


Anonymous said...

Sara Goren is an absolute cunt and favors women and doesn't give a shit about facts. Because of her, my step son has to suffer until his mother messes up (again) and we can go back to court. I'm so glad our legal system doesn't see it necessary to prevent bad things from happening. Why is it okay to rip a child out of his stable home just because his biological mother is a compulsive liar with a sob story?? Many fathers are much more capable of caring for their children then mothers. and yes, I'm a woman and saying this!

Anonymous said...

Sara Goren put my husband thru hell for years!! All because he was concerned about his sons safety! Now that I'm gong thru custody issues, it seems as if she is doing the same to me because she knows who I'm married to. My sons father is a convicted felon (armed bank robbery, amongst a book of other convictions). He filed for visitation and conveniently put the wrong address so I wouldn't get the paperwork or the notice of when our conciliation would be held. My correct address was listed with them, but she changed it based on what he told her!! even tho they received everything back return to sender, she still held the conciliation without me...informed judge coonahan that I failed to appear with proper notice...and awarded him everything he asked for! I'm convinced this was done because of my last name. She made it very clear her anger and attitude towards my husband every time we were there, so there is no explanation to why else she would do this. I have no criminal record, not even traffic!!
I'm not sure how she continues to have her job with all the complaints against her. She needs to be stopped before she continues to put childrens safety at risk! I'd be curious to find out how many lives she has destroyed over the years based on her personal judgment and opinions of people

Anonymous said...

Sara Goren should be fired!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

She is very corrupt. Not only should she be fired...she should be in jail.

Anonymous said...

Just finished mediation with her. I wasn’t even allowed to speak and the only time I could say anything was when I interrupted. All one-sided… no wonder our society is such a mess.

Anonymous said...

I had Sara Goren as the “master” in my son’s custody conciliation in 2018 and I knew within 2-minutes that she was absolutely unprofessional and uncomfortably aligned with the father (during the meeting, he even turned to me and smirked bc he knew she was kissing his butt and I was “losing”)…It was so obvious that she was not even considering my protests and she even ROLLED HER EYES at me when I voiced a very real SAFETY concern. I refused to give in and ended up getting essentially what I wanted, and I tried to censure her, but since she served in a “judge-type” position, it was not possible to make this complaint with the PA Bar. Sara Goren absolutely has some kind of personality defect and by no means should be serving in this capacity with vulnerable families. I’m a nurse and a social worker…and I’m telling you- this woman is absurdly gross and unjust. HORRIBLE person, attorney and “master!”

Anonymous said...

She does not favor women or mothers! Believe me!

Anonymous said...

Sara Gohen is super unhinged and very unprofessional. The woman lacks the mental capacity to effectively do her job. The condescending tones, snarky remarks and clear unethical behavior is only the tip of the iceberg with that woman. The behavior she exhibited during my conference last month made it very clear that she is biased against certain women and more specifically WOC. As she continued to interrupt me during my time to speak and continuously question everything about me but what should be deemed pertinent to the custody matter at hand. Someone really needs to sit in on her conferences.

Anonymous said...

i had the same horrid experience with her. my chikdren were traumatized after meeting with her. they told me she was completely biased towards my husband (a federal agent) and wouldn’t listen to any of their concerns about him. He is abusuve. somehow she recommended he get full custody. it’s has nearly destroyed us. bankrupted me. susie has trapped my children in an abusive home. i waited a few months. gathered evidence and just got slated to go before her agsin.